4,5,6 June 2021, Skopje

Description of the meeting

Training: How to increase the motivation for inclusion in regular sport activities of people from disadvantaged background

The objective of the training will be to test the effectiveness of the module developed by the Macedonian partner. The event will last two days. The trainees will improve their knowledge and skills on how to apply different techniques for maintaining motivation for training, including but not only: Goal setting, keeping track of the results achieved, training with partners. They will learn specific coaching techniques that inspire athletes to feel confident in themselves and to feel empowered to achieve more than they have ever thought they can. The trainees will be equipped with the skills to encourage young people to push through discomfort, boredom and distraction and fulfil their goals.

The participants will demonstrate techniques and compete with each other as a means to encourage young people engage in daily exercises and incorporate physical activities in their lifestyles. The demonstrations will be publicly accessible and relevant stakeholder and media representatives will be invited to attend them.

During the meeting the Steering committee will gather to plan the future project activities and to monitor the implementation of the activity.

Hosting organisation and the number of participants

Kgs Partizan Orce Nikolov, 10 participants  – 5 coaches volunteers & 5 staff and team members who will support the organization

Participating organisations and the number of participants per each of them

Sport club “Street workout Bulgaria”, 7 participants – 5 coaches volunteers 2 Steering committee members per organisation
Asociatia Se Poate, 7 participants – 5 coaches volunteers 2 Steering committee members per organisation